Nu West Leda Fcv 150

Nu West Leda Fcv 150


Nu West Leda Fcv 150

ed and i really enjoyed each other, our friendship blossomed, and then a couple of years into it, the nuwest thing happened. i had my own company of course, my own style. i was and am a rather different person than ed, and our relationship was closer in many ways than a more conventional friendship. it was easy for me to enjoy his company, and i could joke around and share things with him. we still do the occasional thing, but we see each other less now. some people get tired of each other after a while, and ed and i became friends in the truest sense, almost like a brother and sister.

this is one of the most glorious days of my life, and i am at a loss for words to describe my happiness. i am dedicating this child to nn’s legacy! enjoy the fruits of your labor nn and enjoy the camaraderie and camaraderie. i have accepted this for you all with a certain amount of humor, but with a great deal of sadness.

it is with great sorrow that i report that ed lee, one of our founders, has taken his own life. ed was a good man,and he was a leader.

ed and i started nuwest because i wanted people to be able to explore their sexuality, and ed wanted to be able to give it to others, to share it with others. what we have done has not fulfilled our expectations, nor ed’s. our vision was much bigger than we expected. we started this business for the greater good of people around the world. it has become our own little industry, and we need to move on, and move forward.

please enjoy the fruits of your labor, nn and enjoy the camaraderie and camaraderie. i accepted this for you all with a certain amount of humor, but with a great deal of sadness. you have done so much for our community, for so many people,and you have earned the respect and admiration of your friends and we will never forget your example. we will miss you nn.

the mid-sized life rig west linus will be on the market over the next two years. personally i can’t stand reading about the sale of the rigs like this where they sell them as new, the repairs etc etc. so you never know. in mid-september the west linus is already listed on the eikon as “in operation”. i do not consider it necessary to keep the west linus running as the person in charge of the company said in the past. the rig has had a lot of downtime and that has been mentioned here on ritmix. all in all, of the rigs that were mentioned here, the west linus has the longest “loan” at 32 months. nice to know and so far it has been not only a great investment for the person who purchased it, but also a good business. more on the diesel engines: it is possible that the west linus currently has the l9 series engine without the engine* prefix (l10 – engine 10, etc). this situation might also be the case for the mmsi 5679100317 owned by the indian company ungosethe. and then there is the west hercules diesel engine of the l6 series (no prefix). the west linus is also the only rig that has a west hercules in this list. ed lee, the guy who started nuwest, was a fun guy to spend time with. we werent good friends per se. but he was always fun to be around, always willing to have fun, and i could always enjoy his company. he was among the first people i met in san francisco when i first arrived in the city. it was fun, several years before i knew about men who did this kind of thing. he took me to a couple of the firsts experiences that i remember, and he took me with him to a couple of his first experiences. the first was something we called the firsts convention. we had some other theme as well, but i think the firsts part of it was our founding theme. 5ec8ef588b


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