How To Let Someone Down Easy: 15 Ideas For Nice Rejection Texts

It’s not good to leave people hanging because you’re afraid to say you’re not interested. You may be surprised how much people appreciate it, and how better you feel. Afterall, ghosting is standard behavior on apps, it’s just part of the trials and tribulations of online dating. Well, the way I see it, it runs deeper than that. The way we communicate (or don’t) online may impact the relationships in the rest of our lives.

On one hand, it is a very adult thing to do to let someone know that you’re not interested. But, on the other hand, that can sometimes get them to try and convince you why you should be interested which is just annoying (and not very adult-like of them).

  • Another thing we love is that POF, and all features like unlimited messaging, is totally free.
  • Sure, it’s hard to turn people down, but the earlier you’re honest with them, the easier it will be.
  • But then it only gets harder to gracefully bow out.
  • Remember, it takes a lot of courage to approach someone, especially in person.

Since it is more niche, people in bigger cities will probably have the best luck on Feeld. Even if you’re brand new to online dating, you likely know that as you’re served a series of photos, you swipe right if you like what you see and left if you don’t. When you both indicate interest in each other, you’ll get a notification that it’s a match. It’s a basic formula that’s been copied a ton, and has made “swiping” a part of the dating vernacular. The site’s 2017 redesign goes past enlisting a horny millennial as a graphic designer. For young, left-leaning singles, personal politics aren’t just a “well if we agree, it’s great” thing when looking for a date. Users can weed out people they’d hate by answering deal-breakers about things like guns, women’s issues, and vaccines.

For Those Looking For Sex

We are all searching for a sense of connection and while rejection is part of the process we can always seek to do it with heart. If you’re in a group situation or share the same friends, don’t tell everyone what happened. If you’ve turned someone down, they already feel rejected and don’t need to add embarrassment to the list. When that happens, it can cause you to be awkward, say something stupid, or even hurt someone unintentionally. These tips won’t help much after the fact, but it’s good advice to keep in mind so you’re prepared to handle things flawlessly next time. It can be tempting during a breakup to want to offer something that makes the other person feel better. “We should still be friends,” is a common refrain, and a wonderful idea—but only if you actually want to be friends with that person.

Give them a reason if you want.

A better word for these would be guidelines. Even if you don’t want to get into your reasons or write anything elaborate, just tell them something. It could be as simple as, “No, thanks.”Not only is it kinder to the other person if you don’t ghost them, but it’ll also save some potential awkwardness if you happen to run into them in the future. Here’s what you need to know about using dating apps safely and privately, while still getting the most out of them.

Move from texting to a phone or video call ASAP for a better sense of mutual interest and compatibility. Even if it feels awkward, it can save you a lot of time—and disappointment. It’s also important to do some research about the app you decide to download and find out how it works. Then, spend some time and energy on your profile.

Cause for one, he has significantly more respect for you for showing integrity. He is not up at night, thinking if one of his jokes turned you off.

Say it’s about you, not them.

It’s really disrespectful to just leave someone hanging like that otherwise. I wouldn’t know as I am guy, I wish the system was just set up to promote everyone treating each other better. Some people may disagree with me and everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, but aside from my own preference, honesty is also the right thing to do .

There’s no reason to humiliate them, degrade them, or say anything that will hurt their feelings. Two people not liking each other mutually is something that should be natural and not even be that big of a deal. That being said, a lot of people are emotional when it comes to rejection, so let them down in a kind but still direct manner. If there is a suggestion in this guide that is the most important, it is this one. You need to be friendly, but direct and clear about what you are trying to say. If you give a wishy-washy answer about how you’re not sure it would be a good fit or that the time isn’t right, you’re going to leave the door open in their mind.


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