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If youre looking for the latest and fastest games, then youd better go to Gamepedia. Not only does it have the latest games but they have a huge variety of games from every platform as well. Its just like Wikipedia for the gaming community. But if youre looking for a good base to start off with, PC Games is the site to download

Im sure you were surprised to see one of these sites up in the list but obviously for me you cant judge a book by its cover. This website is actually a good solid gaming community where you can find guides and tutorials to help new and more experienced users. SoftPedia is by far the best site to download cracked PC games

With over thirty thousand games and applications, is among the best sites to download free and cracked games. Their category forums are actually really nice where you can find forum threads related to your game or app. Great community. Videogamere is one of the best sites to download cracked and full games online.

If all your games are old school then no need to download torrents. Internet Archive is one of the best sites to download games. They have archived games for all platforms. Only thing is, they have to be cracked. However, if you want to save games then its a great place to download them. Game Front is one of the best sites to download cracked and full games.

Zeta is a very decent site to download cracked and full games online. In particular, it is known for its huge collection of mods for all of the popular games (eg: Half-Life 2, Skyrim, etc). This is where developers upload their cracked and full versions of games. It is known for its fast and free download speed. XGFX is one of the best sites to download cracked and full games online.



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