Pdf Respuestas Examen Divemaster Padi |LINK|

Pdf Respuestas Examen Divemaster Padi |LINK|



Pdf Respuestas Examen Divemaster Padi

Padi final exam padi. final exam padi. WisePedia Content The next thing you’ll do is create an icon for the window created by your application. To do that, you use the MessageBox class. This class is also built into the.NET Framework and is described in the documentation on MSDN. The CreateIcon method of the class is what you’ll need. You can use a message box in several ways. In most cases, you will use it to show the user some type of error message or a warning message. For example, if a user is about to fill in a form on a site and the user must enter a password, then you might use a message box to help the user enter the password. Or, you might use a message box to give a warning to a user that a file they are going to download is infected with viruses. You will use the MessageBox class to create the icon of a message box that you will be using. To do that, you invoke the CreateIcon method. The methods of the class accept an argument that defines the message to be displayed in the message box. In the example that follows, you’ll use a message that says, “Text written on a sheet of paper.” The first parameter of the method, message, is a string that specifies the message to be displayed. The second parameter is an argument that specifies the caption of the message box. The message box will show the message at the top and caption below it. The main difference between the MessageBox class and other UI controls is that the MessageBox class creates its own window. Thus, if you create a MessageBox, you’ll need to show and hide the window that the method creates. To do that, you create a second method in your application that works along with the CreateIcon method. To do that, you call the Show method of the MessageBox class. The Show method of the MessageBox class shows the created window in front of all other windows in the application. This is the desired effect. You will create a method that does this for you. To do this, you call the Show method of the MessageBox class. You should be able to create a message box that looks like that shown in Figure 8-2. Figure 8-2 The message box shown on the left is generated using the MessageBox class. The one shown on the


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